10 Tips
For the Adults of a Montessori Prepared Environment 

  1. Treat each day as new. Release feelings of frustrations from the prior day.

  2. Each day, greet the children and adults of the community with a warm and welcoming, “Hello, I am happy to see you."

  3. Follow the child and refrain from helping with a task at which they are able to accomplish. Instead, stand back and observe. Step in only when the child needs help, and even then collaborate together to accomplish the task, rather than taking total control over the situation.

  4. Follow the lead/trained guide. If they are watching and not stepping in, nor do you. Ask questions during appropriate times, and never speak of the child in front of the child!

  5. Take the time to observe during the course of the day. This will allow you to see all the moments of AWE and will provide you with insight regarding the children’s behavior and needs.

  6. Do not interrupt the concentrated/focused child.  

  7. Protect the lesson. When the adult is giving a lesson, it is the responsibility of the co-teacher or assistant to be mindful of the other children and work to ensure concentration is not broken.

  8. Refrain from touching the child without their permission. Invite the child to hold your hand, ask if you can pick them up, tell the child what you are doing, “I am going to help your body now so that you are safe.”

  9. You are the model for behavior. Practice polite and warm conversations with all members of the community. Use please, thank you, you’re welcome, etc. consistently, move slowly throughout the environment, speak clearly, be conscious of your energy.

  10. Practice the Four Agreements. Be impeccable with your word. Don’t take anything personally. Don’t make assumptions. Always do your best.
    (plus 2: Have a joyful heart and a great sense of humor)

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