So here we go...

For years I've thought of starting a blog and creating a space where I can download all the thoughts that run through my head in just about every moment of every day about the life of a toddler. 

After talking to my beautiful and brilliant, blogging cousin during a recent family gathering I found myself finally inspired to release any fear I might have about "blogging" and what people might think of all my crazy (and radical) ideas about toddlerhood, step into the unknown, and put my constant stream of ideas into words.

As mentioned above, in just about every moment of every day I think about toddlers. Thoughts about how much our world would change (for the better) if only adults knew the massive amount of potential that toddlers encompass. Thoughts about how often adults stifle the growth of the young because of a lack of knowledge about this time, a time that I feel strongly is the most important in a human's existence. 

People complain about the state of the world, and my answer to almost every strife in human existence is "go to the children". Children hold the key to the future of humanity. Children come into this world as blank slates, ready to absorb and learn from every.single.thing.around.them.   

So as I step forward into this new avenue of release, my hope is that this little space of mine will provide information - through ideas, stories, experiences, articles, quotes, photographs and videos - all about life with a toddler (and sometimes about life with an infant, or an older child), and how to best maximize this time in order to positively aid, not stifle, this rapid and ever-important development.

So here we go...